Brain in a Jar

Stressful times are back. So it seems… “These are the days of our lives.” …

Seems there’s some sort of drama going on everywhere in our lives right now. We’re not directly involved in all of it, but it just seems to be everywhere. It’s enough to make one wanna pack up their luggage (I wouldn’t mind a set of this Johnston and Murphy luggage) and take off for a week or two till it blows over.

I don’t mean to make light of it. But at this point I kinda have no choice. We’re starting our summer with a bang it seems and if I don’t find some light at the end of the tunnel, I’ll go insane. Every time things calm down around here it seems something else starts up that causes some sort of stress. It’s pretty damn frustrating.

Jack and I have been talking about it here and there, bouncing ideas off each other and trying to decide the best way to handle some of it. I, being a worry wart, tend to feel the stresses a bit more than he does. I get so jealous of how easily he can take things sometimes. When I was sharing some of my worries and fears with him, he started telling me how much I meant to him. Among other things, he said,

“If you were just a brain in a jar, I’d put you in a backpack and carry you with me everywhere I went”.

Is that just the sweetest thing? Or what?

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