Thursday Thirteen #24 – Annoyed

I haven’t done a TT13 in a while so I figured it was time to do one. I wish it could be more positive, but alas, I’ve had a rough couple weeks and I just need to get a few things off my chest. Here’s thirteen things that really annoy me:

Thursday Thirteen
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  1. Laundry. That always puts me in a foul mood. A friend said the other day, “why can’t clothing be disposable?” For real. Why can’t it?
  2. Liars. There are many people who lie and think nothing of it. I have zero tolerance for dishonesty.
  3. Judgmental people drive me insane and I’ve had my fill of them lately. Especially the ones who base their judgments on information they *think* they have but really have no clue about. Anyone who’s ever hosted a blog knows all about these types of people.
  4. People who don’t listen or do a good job in the workplace, but will go above your head to try to get others in trouble to make themselves look better lose all respect from me. There’s a word for people like this: brown-noser. Or: ass-kisser.
  5. News flash for the condescending people out there: you make yourself look like a jerk and no one looks up to you.
  6. Self-righteousness, it takes a strong person to admit their faults and learn from their mistakes. It drives me nuts when people can’t.
  7. Screaming fighting children. It’s a BOX boys.. a BOX. Is it really worth screaming at each other over?? (Yes they were fighting over a cardboard box!)
  8. Passive-aggressive behavior makes me twitch and blink. At the same time. I don’t look good when I twitch and blink at the same time. So please just say what you gotta say.
  9. Speaking of looking good, vain people annoy me.
  10. Speaking of looking good and vain people, hypocrites annoy me.
  11. Self-pitying Whiners. If you want something in life you have to go for it. You can’t sit around and wait for others to make life happen for you. John Lennon said, “Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.” It’s so true!
  12. Losing weight. I seem to take two steps forward, then one step back. I actually researched diet pills the other day after a friend online said she started on Alli. If you know me, you know that’s totally out of character, and being a diabetic, it’s just a no-no…
  13. Did I already mention hypocrites? Just checkin’.

Links to more Thursday Thirteens: Amanda | Chris

[tags]thursday,thirteen,thursday thirteen,tt13,annoying people,annoying things[/tags]

3 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen #24 – Annoyed

  1. It must be a week of annoyances and Pet peeves. I can relate to the weight loss one, I’m make tons of steps back but hardly and steps forward. Good luck!

  2. Nothing bugs me more than liars, I just can’t stand it. I don’t deal well with p/a people either. I can totally relate to the weight loss thing too – in fact you should read my TT for a few ideas this week! 🙂 Happy TT!

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